“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ― Terry Pratchett
Let us recall the moments in ISC65. My most memorable experience varies on several parts during ISC. When I was writing this, I started to reopen my notes, albums, and computer, to again look at the tiring yet sweetest moments I have experienced this summer. I could not bear to smile by my own, just a little, not to mention that I was in the public library with many students coming, preparing for their mid term test.
The Memories that Never End
First and foremost, I was welcomed in Nagoya ST and had a lot of fun with my committee friends Daisuke, Mizuki, and Naoki. Not to forget Fumie, Kana, Ken, Natsumi, and Yuri with us too. We went to Sakushima Island and the Nagoya Science Museum. My favorite one was cycling on the island. It sounds ordinary, but trust me, the timing and place were just too right to go cycling. With the calming breeze and vacant road, we rode bicycles like we’re the owner of the road!
Moving on the the conference. I was in my happiest moment when I met my table members: Hannah, Hide, Kostadin, Matej, Namie, Willy, and Yasin. It felt miraculously glad to greet each of them who only met me on Skype before. Especially Namie, because she was my partner during the online pair assignment.
All in all, the preparation for final forum means everything! Everyone was so supportive. The Committee Members, the other tables, and also Towa. I really thank her for the inputs to our table. Also Ming! Thank you for calling me that night just to talk randomly. You guys were amazing.
The Proposal and A Little Hope
Our table proposal is the result of our process, our days-and-night discussions. Therefore, the inputs that I want to give here is referred to the whole process rather than the result. Then, what I would change in the proposal and why? Firstly, our topic. As for me, the topic seemed too broad in the first place. The specific context was not set beforehand. Thus, it affected how the proposal was made. We took more time to discuss about the definitions of Freedom of Speech, even the internet per se. It was good, of course. But it was not as effective as managing the remaining time to focus on solutions instead. Second, when we talk about Freedom of Speech (FoS), which FoS will we address? Therefore, the context was also important. We managed to contextualize this topic into the Political Fake News on the 4th day, if I’m not mistaken, which was quite late for me. For me, a more specific context is necessary in a discussion topic. This context will help us, not only in identifying problems, but also discussing solutions that are right on target.
But we made it at the end of the day! I am satisfied enough with the proposal as I felt the group cooperation. I understand that the essence of this conference is not only about the substance, but also about how we cooperate to each other.
This is my hope for the post-policy proposal: as simple as awareness in each individual. Political fake news is probably an overrated term, along with the “post truth” and “hoax” words. Yet, it is also a never-ending problem. I hope our proposal can at least touch the individual’s awareness of how detrimental a political fake news is, as it leads to confirmation bias, hate speech, and even the action to harm certain people. This proposal is relatable with what happens in my family, as political fake news was spread on WhatsApp application during the 2019 presidential election in Indonesia. I hope this awareness can be felt by those who read the proposal, the guests who came to the final forum, and our closest one who we shared the proposal with, such as our family. As I came back home, I told my parents about our proposal in a simpler way, because I believe that everyone deserves this information regardless of whether it is in the form of proposal or just a simple statement.
ISC, Future Goals, and Life Changes
ISC is the integrated event of academics and cultural experience. As I took a step in ISC, I learned not only how to share my opinions, but also to listen to others. ISC is even beyond the final forum. It deepens my understanding about Japan, and helps me out to consider Japan as my destination for graduate school. Knowing all of you make me feel so welcomed, yet invited to come back. People in ISC were friendly and insightful. Thus, I realized that I want to chase this moment again, hopefully.
The changes that I want to create in my life is to achieve my dream of becoming an expert in Communication Science-related research. Therefore, I took some relevant steps to prepare myself to be the future researcher. I applied for ISC, mini research, debate, and Model United Nations events. However, I know those are still not enough as ISC made me comprehend that my basic skills in English need to be improved. Other important things include my capability in seeking, analyzing, and concluding the data. Yup, there is still a long way to go. But at least, I know that I am on my track.
All in all, reflecting upon what Pratchett said on the opening of this post: going away as in taking this conference has given me the temptation like never before. I met new people, felt new vibes, and has been learning and unlearning in ISC. This worthwhile event has colored my last two months and how I evaluate my action to prepare for the upcoming plan. Thank you, from the deepest part of my heart.
